A One-Box Tease: Panini America Busts Into the First Box of 2012 Contenders Football

February 05, 2013

Panini America 2012 Contenders Football One Box Tease (36)

Tomorrow promises to be a banner day in hobby shops across North America, what with the highly anticipated releases of 2012-13 Limited Hockey and the landmark 20th edition of 2012 Contenders Football. If there’s any football product on the planet that can give Prizm-transfixed football collectors a run for their money right now, it’s Contenders, the home of the autographed Rookie Card.

Earlier today — actually, within seconds of receiving our marketing allotment of 2012 Contenders Football — I grabbed the first box I could get my hands and ripped it open to produce the following teaser gallery that takes you pack-by-pack through one 24-pack hobby box.

For the record, the outside of the box promises five autographs. This box delivered six (including one “Cracked Ice” parallel numbered to just 20), in addition to a broad bevy of cool insert cards. You can check out everything we pulled in this box via the gallery that follows. Oh, and after you’ve had your way with the images, be sure to peruse the complete product checklist that’s linked at the bottom of this post.

Enjoy . . .

You can access the checklist here: 2012 Contenders FB Checklist