Collect the Rainbow: Panini America Teases the Many Colors of 2015 Prizm Football

November 05, 2015

Panini America 2015 Prizm Football Prizm Preview3

Even now. as the scorching 2015 Playbook Football is generating a hobby-wide heat wave in its first two days of release, Panini America Football Brand Managers are tending to the another product on the verge of fanning some flames of its own: 2015 Prizm Football. If you were following the Panini America Twitter account yesterday, you got a tip-of-the-iceberg sneak peek. But today, we’re going to get a little more colorful.

In the preview gallery that follows, we provide a detailed first look at just some of the colorful Prizm parallels coming to this year’s set, including base Prizms and a captivating rainbow that features Reds, Blues, Greens, the popular Tie-Dyes, Red Mojos, Violets, Violet Mosaics, Blue Waves, Black Pulsars, Gold Vinyls, Green Crystals and Golds.

We’ll have plenty more on the upcoming 2015 Prizm Football — which releases next Friday — in the coming days right here on The Knight’s Lance. Until then, feast your eyes on these beauties . . .