Follow Us Friday Twitter Contest: 2010-11 Limited Basketball
Look, there’s no need to be shy. We want more Twitter followers at Panini America and we don’t care who knows it. So, in an effort to gain more Twitter followers, we’re going to provide some sweet trading cards as an incentive. This week, we’re offering the five gems you see above from the new 2010-11 Limited Basketball release.
How can you win one of them? Good question.
All you have to do is follow Panini America on Twitter if you don’t already. If you do, thank you. Simply retweet this contest link to all of your followers to help spread the word and get our number of followers to grow. Once we reach, let’s say, 900 followers, a lucky few of them — selected at random — will win the cards above.
That’s simple enough, right? Let’s do it!