Going Direct ep #38 | Interview w/ Panini NFT & Blockchain Brand Manager Brett Whitely | 2021 Crown Royale Basketball Box Break

May 13, 2022

DESCRIPTION: He’s been an elusive interview to track down, but we finally got Panini NFT & Blockchain Brand Manager, Brett Whitely on the show to discuss everything Panini NFT. We chat about Brett’s background and do a deeper dive into the world of NFTs, including what’s on the horizon for Panini in the Blockchain world.

In addition to a great interview, Scotty and Jeff crack open two new products: 2022 Diamond Kings Baseball and 2021-22 Crown Royale Basketball. WARNING: Scotty’s got the hot hand this episode! Don’t miss ep #38, and make sure to subscribe to our channel! Sign up for the Panini Discord channel at: https://discord.com/invite/9PUgPHSdxq

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