Hits Keep Coming: More On-Card Deliveries Arrive for 2010-11 Elite Black Box Basketball

August 23, 2011


Larry BirdKobe Bryant. Blake GriffinDerrick Rose. And that’s just the list of hoops headliners whose autographed cards have arrived at Panini America headquarters in the last two days.

It’s enough to make even collecting’s most hardened observers get weak in the knees (I know, I’ve seen it). It’s also two more days worth of positive signs — pun intended — for the inaugural Elite Black Box Basketball, due out in September.

Over the course of the last few weeks we’ve done our best to keep you up to date on most of the new arrivals for Elite Black Box. But today’s gallery of Black & Blue Signatures and Crusade autographs is truly something to behold. No need to bore you with more expository introduction. Let’s get to the provocative images.