iCollectPanini.com Begins Online Portion of Panini America’s 2013 Father’s Day Promo

June 12, 2013

iCollect Father's Day Main

The phenomenon known as the 2013 Panini America’s Father’s Day promotion continues to gain serious momentum in these final hours leading up to, well, Father’s Day. In fact, excitement surrounding the promotion seems to grow even more palpable and more insane with each new preview we show.

On Monday we published the preliminary list of dealers participating in this special nationwide wrapper-redemption program, and will have some late additions to that list tomorrow.

But as is the case every year, we’ve had many collectors ask how they can get involved in the program if there are no participating brick-and-mortar hobby shops in their area. Well, we’ve got you covered there, too. While supplies last, collectors who purchase selected products on iCollectPanini.com will receive the corresponding number of 2013 Father’s Day packs while supplies last.

The products available as part of the iCollectPanini.com Father’s Day promotion are:

2013 USA Baseball Champions (2 Father’s Day packs for every box purchased)

2012-13 Marquee Basketball (3 Father’s Day packs for every box purchased)

2012-13 Panini Basketball (2 Father’s Day packs for every box purchased)

2012-13 Elite Basketball (3 Father’s Day packs for every box purchased)

2012 Prime Signatures Football (2 Father’s Day packs for every box purchased)

2012-13 Limited Hockey (2 Father’s Day packs for every box purchased)

NOTE: The listed 2013 Father’s Day pack rates are exclusive to the iCollectPanini.com promotion; pack quantities will vary at participating hobby shops

So you have two ways to participate: Visit one of the participating hobby shops or visit iCollectPanini.com.

***Order by 2 p.m. CST June 13 and select the FedEx overnight shipping option to Receive by Father’s Day***