Inside Immaculate: Panini America Readies 2012-13 Immaculate Basketball for Release
Really, it’s hard to fathom — given the extraordinary success and mainstream media coverage of Panini America’s 2012-13 Flawless Basketball — that another 2012-13 NBA product could generate so much intense anticipation and pre-release buzz so soon on the heels of the still-blazing Flawless fire. But from the very beginning, it was obvious that 2012-13 Immaculate Basketball was no ordinary product.
It’s the blockbuster finale to Panini America’s 2012-13 NBA season, a product that lacks Flawless’ jaw-dropping price tag, its precious gems and its “what’s in the briefcase” mystique. What it does have, however, are some of the greatest memorabilia cards in NBA history, six-Logoman booklets and just a few surprises.
At various points this week, seemingly every member of the Panini America Product Development and Production teams spent considerable time at the company printing facility putting the finishing touches on the packout process for Immaculate. Now that their job is done and the product has shipped, it’s time to begin peeking — perhaps even gawking — at the results.
Beginning today and continuing through the weekend, The Knight’s Lance will deliver a series of Immaculate previews so filthy some offices might consider the content NSFW (not safe for work). Rest assured, though, the images — like the cards they showcase — are suitable for all ages.
Today, we offer first looks at the set’s Kevin Durant autograph content, some of the aforementioned astounding memorabilia cards and, yes, those serendipitous Six Star Logoman Booklets. Enjoy the images and stay tuned for continued Immaculate coverage all weekend long.