On the Routing Table: January 3, 2011

January 03, 2011

Is it wrong that one of the first things I thought about on the way to work this morning following the long holiday weekend — after analyzing for the umpteenth time Tim Tebow‘s solid performance against the Chargers — was the Panini America Routing Table?

For such a modestly sized table, the thing is a veritable goldmine of product-previewing goodness almost every day. True to form, today’s offering didn’t disappoint with its array of Test RIPs and routings for such upcoming blockbusters as 2010-11 Pinnacle Hockey, 2010-11 Playoff Contenders Hockey and 2010 National Treasures Football.

Keep in mind, now as always, that some of the images you’re about to see include extremely preliminary concepts that incorporate player and team names intended for sizing or design purposes only. So when you see, for instance, Tony Romo‘s photo on a National Treasures Legends design or Darrius Heyward-Bey‘s name on, of all things, a Pinnacle Hockey card, don’t be alarmed. As we say in the business, such things are “FPO” (for position only).

Well, they’re also for your enjoyment, too.