Panini America Father’s Day Fun Could Win You Free Father’s Day Packs (Contest)

June 13, 2013

2013 Father's Day Contest

With Panini America’s 2013 Father’s Day promotion locked, loaded and ready to create a nationwide hobby-shop frenzy this weekend, Panini America officials are raising the bar in terms of collector engagement, interaction and huge prizes with a special contest to coincide with the weekend-long festivities that will award a total of 200 Father’s Day packs to lucky shop owners and collectors.

Throughout the weekend, we’re asking store owners to share pictures with us through Twitter or good, old-fashioned email of customers in their stores participating in the 2013 Panini America Father’s Day promotion. If you’re participating through Twitter, be sure to use the #PaniniFathersDay hash tag. If you’re participating through email, be sure to use “Panini Father’s Day Pics” as the subject line.

Early next week, we’ll compile the best pictures of the weekend and present them to a distinguished panel of Panini America executives to determine the five best pictures and announce the winners right here on The Knight’s Lance. The five hobby shop owners who submit the winning pictures each will receive 20 Panini America Father’s Day packs. The five collectors in those pictures also will each receive 20 Panini America Father’s Day packs.

So, what kinds of pictures should you submit? Pictures of fathers and their kids busting Panini America products. Pictures of fathers and their kids  busting Panini America Father’s Day packs. Pictures of fathers and their kids showing off their best Panini America Father’s Day hits. Pictures illustrating how the Panini America Father’s Day promotion brought families together in your shop for a great time. Really, any images that detail the fun and excitement of our Father’s Day promotion. And remember, creativity and fun are the names of this game.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Good luck to everyone and thanks in advance for your participation.

And from all of us here at Panini America to father’s everywhere, Happy Father’s Day.