Panini America, GTS Distribution Announce First Two 2013 Industry Summit Winners

February 07, 2013


Thanks to a unique partnership between Panini America and GTS Distribution, 20 hobby shop owners from around the country have won free scholarships to the 2013 Industry Summit in Las Vegas. That list includes 15 winners who will be attending their first Summit event.

Last year, Panini America and GTS teamed up at the Industry Summit to produce the unforgettable Ultimate Case Break. For the 2013 event in March, they’ve upped the ante by not only bringing back the Ultimate Case Break, but by awarding the 20 free scholarships to attend the Industry Summit.

Today, we’re proud to announce the first two scholarship winners:

Collectibles, Etc., Cross Lanes, W.Va., (304) 776-0020

Mack’s Card Shack, La Crosse, Wis., (608) 397-1733

Stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for the announcement of additional winners — and for additional updates on Panini America’s grand plans for the 2013 Industry Summit.