Panini America On Location: At the Printing Facility with 2011-12 Dominion Hockey
First things first: I owe you a huge apology. I inadvertently lied to you last Sunday when I said that day’s gallery would be the final pre-release look at 2011-12 Dominion Hockey. Turns out it wasn’t. It was supposed to be, but then a quick trip to the Panini America facility this afternoon changed all of that.
Marketing comrade Chris Reed and I used our lunch break (and then some) to take a high-speed road trip two or three zip codes to the northeast to video the final scenes for an extremely unique video coming your way next week. But when we got there, there were so many sweet cards to look at that I simply couldn’t resist taking a few more images.
2011-12 Dominion Hockey is in its final stages of packing out as we speak. It will be live everywhere next Friday. Enjoy the following gallery, but I can’t promise it will be the last.