Panini America Provides a Rare Peek Inside Robert Griffin III’s 2012 Playbook (Gallery)

March 14, 2013

Panini America 2012 Playbook Football RG III Gallery (30)

Panini America’s Ben Ecklar was on a mission last week, plan and simple. He departed Dallas for a quick trip to Virginia packing a one-track frame of mind, a video camera and a way-heavier-than-usual carry-on filled with what soon would become some of the most coveted trading cards of the entire 2012 NFL season.

Ecklar’s business appointment on this particular day was a rather substantial meeting with Washington Redskins 2012 Offensive Rookie of the Year Robert Griffin III. Ecklar’s objective: Have RG III sign his 2012 Playbook Football and 2012 National Treasures Football cards and get them back to Dallas in time for packout. Mission accomplished.

As you’re about to discover, the results speak for themselves. Griffin’s poignant penmanship in concert with the devastating creativity of the 2012 Playbook designs work in unison to deliver some of the best-looking football cards you’ll see during this or any other season.

Today, we’ll focus solely on RG III’s Playbook offerings. In the next week or so, we’ll follow up with a stunning examination of his 2012 National Treasures Football beauties.

Enjoy this rare peek inside Griffin’s Playbook, and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional updates.