Panini Collection, Rookie Portraits Add Pop to Panini America’s 2014 Black Friday Set

October 23, 2014

Panini America 2014 Black Friday Panini Collection (16)

We began pulling the curtain back on the grand plans for our 2014 Black Friday promotion set earlier this week. Now that the preview process has officially begun, you can count on The Knight’s Lance to deliver must-see previews featuring just about every part of the set between now and late November. Today, we’re taking a closer look at the Panini Collection and Rookie Portraits subsets.

The striking Panini Collection has become a Black Friday staple the last few years and will continue in 2014 with a new series of emotionally charged and arresting images. One look at the Jimmy Graham or Giovani Bernard cards in Panini Collection and you’ll understand immediately exactly what we mean. The new Rookie Portraits subset, as its name suggests, is anchored in portrait photography featuring some of the freshest faces in the game.

Both subsets are showcased in their entirety in the gallery that follows. Enjoy, and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional coverage of the Panini America 2014 Black Friday promotion.