Teaser Gallery: Panini America Breaks Early Boxes of 2014 Prizm Baseball (63 Pics)

May 19, 2014

Panini America 2014 Prizm Baseball Teaser Main
There’s really not a bad way to start the work week here at Panini America. But some Monday mornings are better than others. Today’s was one of those. Awaiting our entrance into the office earlier today were a few fresh boxes of 2014 Prizm Baseball, quite possibly the best Prizm Baseball yet featuring 12 packs, two autographs and six Prizm parallels per box.
So after a few swigs of our preferred energy drink, we made quick work of these two hobby boxes as a means of previewing the product ahead of Wednesday’s national release date. Enjoy our pack-by-pack breakdown of the experience in the gallery that follows.

Oh, and while you’re at it, know that you can safely add one more item to the seemingly endless list of things Bo Jackson knows: Bo knows die-cut Prizm Autographs, too.
Stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage of 2014 Prizm Baseball.