Teaser Gallery: Panini America Busts Three Early Boxes of 2012-13 Intrigue Basketball
What’s so intriguing about Panini America’s 2012-13 Intrigue Basketball? Well, beginning tomorrow in hobby shops across North America, collectors will get the first opportunity to find out for themselves when the product goes live. But in order to properly prepare for what to expect from the unique, three-packs-in-one configuration of 2012-13 Intrigue Basketball, we grabbed three boxes earlier this morning to provide the following Teaser Gallery.
Each box of 2012-13 Intrigue Basketball delivers three inner packs — a six-card Intrigue pack, a five-card Intriguing Players pack and a five-card Kobe Anthology pack. Within the six-card Intrigue pack collectors will find three autographs, one memorabilia card and two base cards; the Intriguing Players set, meanwhile, delivers an interesting, player-focused concept that provides 10 different versions of 20 top NBA superstars on a sweet micro-etched foil design.
But instead of bogging you down with more explanatory text, it’s probably best that we let the cards do the talking for themselves, which they do eloquently in the three-box recap that follows. Enjoy the gallery and stat tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional coverage of 2012-13 Intrigue Basketball.