Teaser Gallery: Panini America Cracks Early Boxes of 2018 National Treasures Baseball

September 25, 2018

Panini America 2018 National Treasures Baseball Teaser2

Panini America’s fabled National Treasures Baseball franchise releases tomorrow, which makes the day something akin to a hobby holiday in collecting circles. And trust us when we tell you, there’s a lot to celebrate. 2018 National Treasures Baseball is steeped in history and stacked with content; that’s nothing new in one of the game’s most coveted high-end brands. But this year’s release boasts a generation-spanning mix of autographs and memorabilia featuring the most in-demand newcomers, hottest veteran stars and most endearing legends.

On average, each hobby box of 2018 National Treasures Baseball (eight cards per box, four boxes per case) delivers eight autograph or memorabilia cards including one booklet. Yesterday’s Quality Control Gallery was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of exactly what’s inside the product’s spectacularly packaged white-wooden boxes. In the Teaser Gallery below, we crack open four early boxes to bring you a little of the NT experience. Enjoy the break and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional coverage.