Teaser Gallery: Panini America Cracks First Box of 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball

October 14, 2014

Panini America 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball Teaser (1)

The 2014-15 NBA regular season begins two weeks from today. The 2014-15 NBA collecting season begins tomorrow. That’s when Panini America releases the highly anticipated 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball, a product brimming with tons of inserts and parallels, captivating photography, the season’s first Rookie Cards and rookie autographs — and absolutely zero redemptions.

We brought you the Quality Control Gallery for 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball last week. Today, we’re bringing you the pack-by-pack details of one 24-pack hobby box. Each hobby box will deliver two autographs, one memorabilia card and — as you’ll see — a chase-worthy selection of inserts, parallels and variations. Enjoy the box preview and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage of 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball.