Teaser Gallery: Panini America Cracks First Boxes of 2012-13 Momentum Basketball

May 13, 2013

Panini America 2012-13 Momentum Basketball Teaser (1)

The 2013 NBA Playoffs aren’t the only on-court action picking up serious momentum right now. The basketball collecting hobby is, too — or at least it’s about to. On Wednesday, Panini America’s 2012-13 Momentum Basketball will hit hobby shops delivering five autographs and 15 cards in each silver-foiled fat pack. We presented the Quality Control Gallery for the product last week. Today, we’re breaking into a pair of honest-to-goodness boxes.

In an effort to provide with a good idea of what you can expect from the product, the following gallery takes you card-by-card through two 15-card boxes. While we did pull one redemption card, we also unearthed a rare 1/1 Black parallel that is a real stunner.

Check out the following gallery and stay tuned afterward the images for a link to the complete 2012-13 Momentum Basketball checklist. Enjoy.

Here’s the product checklist in Excel format: 2012-13 Momentum BK CL