Teaser Gallery: Panini America Opens Boxes of the New 2018 Prizm NASCAR Racing

September 19, 2018

Panini America 2018 Prizm NASCAR Racing Teaser5

Panini America’s 2018 Prizm NASCAR Racing arrived in hobby shops today, paving the way for a new wave of Rainbow Warriors (and we don’t mean Jeff Gordon) intent on completing the multi-colored Prizm pursuit of their favorite drivers. As is so often the case with any Prizm product, the many Prizm parallels in 2018 Prizm NASCAR Racing are the calling cards. But a preponderance of autographs (four per hobby box, on average, and most signed on-card) should command the driver’s seat, too.

In the Teaser Gallery that follows, we take you pack by pack through two boxes (12 cards per pack, 12 packs per box) of the product, showcasing a little bit of everything that makes the Prizm brand pop. In fact, you’ll notice that we pulled one card that was so nice it was signed twice. Enjoy the gallery and stay tuned for additional coverage.

2018 Prizm NASCAR Racing is available now on the official online store of Panini America.