Teaser: Panini America Breaks Three Boxes of the New 2015 Cooperstown Baseball
A busy release week for Panini America officially gets underway tomorrow when the company’s new 2015 Cooperstown Baseball arrives in hobby shops across North America to pay fitting tribute to the greatest legends enshrined in the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. 2015 Clear Vision Football follows suit on Friday, but we’ll have more on that one in the coming days.
Today, however, is reserved for a must-see Teaser Gallery of a new-look Cooperstown Baseball that includes a classic base-set design, a bevy of brilliant micro-etched inserts, die-cut Crown Royale cards, a predominantly hard-signed autograph roster, Printing Plates, BuyBack Autographs of original Cooperstown cards and, on the rare occasion, cards embedded with honest-to-goodness real precious gems.
In the gallery that follows, we take you card by card through three boxes of 2015 Cooperstown Baseball, a history-soaked experience that delivers two autographs per box and a captivating array of legends — and legendary photography.