The Ones: Panini America Appreciates Some of the 1/1s Coming to 2018 XR Football

September 14, 2018

Panini America 2018 XR Football Ones Main

Roughly one year ago this week, the head-scratching mystery surrounding just what in the heck “XR” stood for in Panini America’s new 2017 XR Football quickly gave way to the realization that it didn’t really matter — not when the cards look as good as the ones in XR did. Fast forward one year and we’re still nowhere closer to discovering the meaning of “XR.” But we can confirm this as we prepare for next Wednesday’s arrival of 2018 XR Football: The cards still look great.

We’ll have an extended Quality Control Gallery for the product early next week. But as you prepare to feast on Week 2 of the 2018 NFL season this weekend, we figured we’d give you a little eye candy as you look for constructive ways to pass your Friday afternoon. In the gallery that follows, we offer a quick glimpse at just some of 2018 XR Football’s 1/1 firepower. Enjoy the view . . .