The Panini America Father’s Day Flashback: Winners Announced, Checklist Revealed
Three days later, the afterglow from Panini America’s 2013 Father’s Day promotion is still bright enough to require sunglasses. Whether you got involved at one of the more than 400 hobby shops who took part in the promotion, or online at, we hope you had as much fun participating as we did watching you participate through the miracle of social media.
While dealers across the country continue taking advantage of their remaining 2013 Father’s Day packs, we have two orders of outstanding business that we need to address right now: Announcing the winners of our 2013 Father’s Day picture contest and releasing the complete 2013 Father’s Day checklist.
First, let’s address the contest winners. Actually, first, let’s thank — immensely — all of the shop owners and collectors who documented the Father’s Day fun being had in their stores during the last several days and sent us the images either through email, Twitter or Facebook. After poring through all of the great photos and presenting them to a distinguished panel of Panini America executives, we have selected the five winning photos. Each winner will receive 40 bonus Father’s Day packs (20 for the store owner, 20 for their lucky customer or customers in the the winning photo).
Congratulations to Sports Cards Plus of San Antonio, Sports Center Cards of Omaha, Kinem’s Sports Cards and collector Jonathan Williams, Ryan’s Cardz and Dave & Adam’s Card World of Buffalo. The winning pics are identified in the must-see gallery below. In addition to our winner’s pics, we’ve also compiled a tremendous assortment of Father’s Day-themed images submitted by fans during Sunday night’s #PaniniWildCard Twitter contest for Game 5 of the NBA Finals. Check those out, too.
Stay tuned after the gallery for links to the complete Panini America 2013 Father’s Day set checklist in both Excel and PDF formats.
Here’s the 2013 Father’s Day checklist in Excel format: 2013 Fathers Day Media Checklist
Here’s the 2013 Father’s Day checklist in PDF format: 2013 Fathers Day Media Checklist