The Panini America Insert Set Inspection: 2010-11 Gold Standard Golden Anniversary

May 30, 2011

The late-June release of 2010-11 Panini Gold Standard Basketball packs the potential to be one of the most unique themed products to hit the sports card landscape in quite some time. From actual 14-karat gold trading cards to cards embedded with pieces of 14-karat gold to some of the most in-demand autograph and memorabilia cards on the market, Gold Standard presents a true golden opportunity for collectors.

Today, we’ll examine the set’s 20-card Golden Anniversary insert set that honors the most prestigious players named to the NBA’s hallowed 50th Anniversary Team

The insert includes memorabilia and prime memorabilia parallels and equips Gold Standard with yet one more nugget of collectiblity. Enjoy the gallery below and get more information on 2010-11 Panini Gold Standard here, here, here, here and here.