The Panini America Insert Set Inspection: 2012-13 Threads Basketball High Flyers

October 01, 2012

Now that October has officially tipped off, it’s time to start thinking about the big basketball month ahead for Panini America. For starters, there’s the highly anticipated release of 2012-13 Threads Basketball in a few weeks. Then, at the end of the month, Panini America officials will conduct the live draft to determine the 2011  checklist for last season’s Double Rookie Redemption programs.

But for the purposes of this particular post, we’re going to concentrate on the former by showcasing the High Flyers insert coming to 2012-13 Threads Basketball. The 30-card checklist is full of the air-minded acrobats you’d expect from such a theme; but it also has a few inclusions that might surprise you.

Take a look at the insert for yourself in the preview gallery that follows. And stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance this week for additional sneak peeks as we get close to the October 24 release date.