The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2014 Golden Age Baseball (126 Sweet Pics)
Pugilists. Politicians. Thespians. Equestrians. Singers. Swingers. Horses. Hurlers. Champs, vamps, monuments and memories. Indeed, if you think that list of topics is vast, varied and electrifying eclectic, just wait until you see the trading card set that encompasses all of those things — and then some. In two short years, Panini America’s Golden Age Baseball has fashioned a fervent following among sports and Americana collectors who have a knack for nostalgia.
Next Wednesday, the third annual installment of the far-reaching and fun product — 2014 Golden Age Baseball — arrives in hobby shops with a whole new cast of characters (along with some venerable Golden Age standbys) and some compelling new collectible twists.
From perforated box-bottom cards to always-desirable Minis with seven different back variations to adhesive stamps and oversized box-toppers, 2014 Golden Age Baseball delivers a collecting experience unlike just about any other product you’ll open. Each box of 2014 Golden Age Baseball yields one Historic Signatures Autograph and one Museum Age Memorabilia card, both of which include checklists guaranteed to elicit fond memories.
We’ll have plenty more to preview on 2014 Golden Age Baseball right here on The Knight’s Lance in the coming days. But for now, we’re going to bring you an exhaustive sneak peek of images from the recent packout process. Enjoy the gallery.