The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2016 National Treasures NASCAR Racing
It’s all been leading up to this week. Panini America’s promising rookie season in NASCAR began in August with 2016 Prizm NASCAR Racing, continued in October with 2016 Torque NASCAR Racing and delivered 2016 Certified NASCAR Racing late last month. The crescendo has been built. The stage is set. 2016 National Treasures NASCAR Racing arrives on Friday.
Panini America’s fabled National Treasures brand finally gets to wrap its super-premium paws around the hottest stars, greatest legends and brightest youngsters of the racing game. The results, as you’ll see in the must-see Quality Control Gallery that follows, are quite impressive.
On average, each box of 2016 National Treasures NASCAR Racing delivers one base card or parallel, three autographs, two memorabilia cards and one booklet card. We brought you an initial glimpse at some of the goods last week. Today, we’re pulling the curtain all the way back by showcasing some of the gems that surfaced during last week’s packout process. Enjoy the eye candy and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage.