The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2017 Origins Football (99 Must-See Pics)
One of last season’s most successful new releases across all sports — the colorful, artistic and rookie-rich 2016 Origins Football — is finally ready for an encore. And when 2017 Origins Football arrives in hobby shops across North America on Wednesday, collectors will find that not much has changed — and that’s a good thing. For the highly anticipated sophomore release, Origins Football largely stays true to the recipe that drew so much acclaim last season.
On average, each box of 2017 Origins Football delivers two base cards, two parallels, one on-card rookie autograph, one jumbo patch rookie autograph and an additional memorabilia card. Collectors also will discover the vibrant-but-clean aesthetics, rare booklet autographs, ink-color variations and jumbo-prime memorabilia that have come to quickly define the Origins brand.
In the comprehensive Quality Control Gallery that follows, we showcase much of what surfaced during last week’s packout process. Enjoy the sneak peek and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance this week for continued coverage.
Shop for 2017 Origins Football now at the official online store of Panini America.