The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2018-19 NBA Hoops Basketball (90 Images)
If you’re entering this week with a sense of renewed optimism, well, you might just be a basketball collector. In two short days, Panini America’s 2018-19 NBA Hoops Basketball releases in hobby shops across North America to officially tip off the 2018-19 basketball collecting season. Boasting the first mainstream Rookie Cards of the season as well as a colorful, captivating cast of inserts and parallels, NBA Hoops Basketball is as much a part of a new season as the basketball itself.
On average, each hobby box of 2018-19 NBA Hoops BasketballĀ (eight cards per pack, 24 packs per box, 20 boxes per case) will yield two autographs and 24 inserts or parallels. We’ve spent some time over the last few weeks previewing various aspects of the product; today, we offer a revealing Quality Control Gallery showcasing much of what surfaced during the recent packout process.
Enjoy the sneak peek and stay tuned for additional coverage of 2018-19 NBA Hoops Basketball, including a detailed breakdown of the product’s retail components.
2018-19 NBA Hoops Basketball will be available on the official online store of Panini America beginning Wednesday at 10 a.m. CST.