The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2018 Absolute Football (100+ Images)

September 03, 2018

Panini America 2018 Absolute Football QC Gallery1a

Panini America officials long ago removed the word “Memorabilia” from the Absolute Memorabilia Football product line, but don’t let the abbreviated title fool you: Absolute Football is still loaded with memorabilia. It’s also still loaded with brand-tenet calling cards from the Rookie Premiere Materials Autographs and Tools of the Trade chases. Just something to keep in mind later this week when 2018 Absolute Football arrives in hobby shops across North America.

On average, each three-mini-box master box of 2018 Absolute Football (five cards per mini box, three mini boxes per master box, 10 master boxes per case) delivers one Rookie Premiere Materials Autograph, two additional autograph cards, two memorabilia cards, one insert, one Rookie Card, two parallels and six base cards. Stated box deliverables apply to the entire master box and not to each mini box.

In the revealing Quality Control Gallery that follows, we take a deep dive into 2018 Absolute Football by showcasing just some of the goods that surfaced during the recent packout process. Enjoy the preview and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional coverage as Friday’s release date approached.

2018 Absolute Football will be available on the official online store of Panini America beginning Friday at 10 a.m. CST.