The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2018 Prime NASCAR Racing (40+ Images)

November 13, 2018

Panini America 2018 Prime Racing QC4

When it comes to the major North American sports, none of them do logos quite like NASCAR. From the firesuits to the flashy and festooned fast cars, there’s just so much prime trading card opportunity. And later this week, Panini America officials will release a product engineered largely to take advantage of that fact. Panini America’s 2018 Prime NASCAR Racing arrives on Friday featuring some of the sweetest NASCAR patch cards ever manufactured. As you’ll see below, the product is also rich in on-card autograph content of the sport’s top superstars.

On average, each hobby box of 2018 Prime NASCAR Racing (seven cards per box, eight boxes per case) will deliver three autographs, three memorabilia cards and one base or parallel card. Some boxes will deliver additional content and each box will deliver at least one Acetate memorabilia card. In addition, Jumbo Prime patch cards fall roughly three per case, on average.

Enjoy the revealing Quality Control Gallery that follows and stay tuned for additional coverage.

2018 Prime NASCAR Racing will be available on the official online store of Panini America beginning Friday at 10 a.m. CST.