The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2018 Victory Lane NASCAR Racing
Panini America is revving up its NASCAR portfolio tomorrow with the premiere edition of a Victory Lane product that boasts an alluring array of microetching and rainbow holofoil fronts, and autograph and memorabilia checklists that appeal to racing fans of seemingly every generation. 2018 Victory Lane NASCAR Racing arrives in hobby shops across North America this week with hobby boxes (10 cards per pack, four packs per box, eight boxes per inner case, two inner cases per master case) that deliver, on average, two autographs, two memorabilia cards, four parallels, four inserts and four Pedal to the Medal holographic inserts. On average, each case will deliver one Top 6 driver autograph.
In the revealing Quality Control Gallery that follows, we offer a deep dive into 2018 Victory Lane NASCAR Racing by showcasing just some of the highlights that surfaced during the recent packout process. Enjoy the sneak peek and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage. The product is available to preorder now at the official online store of Panini America.