The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2019-20 Spectra Basketball (90+ Sweet Images)

June 29, 2020

It’s a made-up word, of course. But it’s one that’s so accurate nonetheless. “Spectracular.” It’s difficult to come up with a more apropos description for Panini America’s fabulous Spectra Basketball franchise. It is, after all, just so darn “spectracular.” It has been from the very beginning . . . and it’s only aging more gracefully by the year. And in two short days, the newest iteration of the popular product arrives in hobby shops across North America with the release of 2019-20 Spectra Basketball.

We brought you a compelling array of packout images on the Panini America Instagram feed last week. Today, we’re revealing even more of the gems that surfaced in the following Quality Control Gallery. On average, each hobby box (four cards per pack, four packs per box, eight boxes per case) will deliver four autographs and four parallels, including some of the nicest Prizm parallels to date.

Enjoy the imagery that follows, including some of our Instagram posts from last week. 2019-20 Spectra Basketball will be available at the official online store of Panini America beginning Wednesday at 10 a.m. CST.

Now, to the QC Gallery . . .