The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2021 Donruss NASCAR Racing
The green flag officially drops on the 2021 NASCAR collecting season tomorrow with the long-awaited release of Panini America’s flagship 2021 Donruss NASCAR Racing product. Finely tuned with both nods to nostalgia and the newest in card-manufacturing techniques, 2021 Donruss NASCAR Racing is revved up and ready to roll.
On average, each hobby box of 2021 Donruss NASCAR Racing (eight cards per pack, 24 packs per box, 20 boxes per case) will deliver one autograph, two memorabilia cards, 24 Silver parallels, nine numbered parallels, 24 inserts and 24 Optic cards. As you’ll see in the revealing Quality Control Gallery that follows, there’s a little something for everyone in this year’s loaded Donruss release.
The highlights of this year’s release are many and include . . .
- The extremely rare Downtown, Watercolors, Sketchworks and Blank Slate inserts.
- One Optic card per pack.
- Bonus-hit BuyBacks fall randomly throughout the case run and feature a special-edition emboss.
- New Rated Rookies for the 2021 season.
Enjoy the gallery and stay tuned for additional coverage. 2021 Donruss NASCAR Racing will be available at the official online store of Panini America beginning Wednesday at 12 p.m. CST.