You've Been Selected: Panini America Takes a Pre-Ink Peek at 2013-14 Select Basketball
Judging by the sheer density of hustle and bustle taking place on Friday afternoon back in the double-wide hallway that connects the Panini America Acquisitions area to the rest of HQ, it was obvious that something shiny and new had just been delivered from the production facility across town. And considering the significant bling bouncing of the shiny assortment of cards strategically placed on two massive sorting tables, Panini America’s spectacular Prizm technology was involved.
As it turns out, the new arrivals being counted, quality-controlled, cataloged and readied to receive on-card autographs Friday afternoon were the first specimens we’d seen of the upcoming 2013-14 Select Basketball.
In the quick gallery that follows, we offer a revealing peek at just some of the cards we were lucky enough to lay eyes on late last week; a sweet selection of Prizm-perfected inserts and parallels that foretell of a potential-packed 2013-14 Select Basketball product steeped in the hottest rookies, the greatest current superstars and the most endearing NBA legends.
As you set out to make the most of this glorious Sunday afternoon, these pre-autographed previews should adequately prepare you for the full slate of NBA Playoff action that awaits later today. Enjoy these cards in their unsigned state and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage of 2013-14 Select Basketball, including a follow-up post showcasing how these gems look when they’re returned with on-card signatures.