Panini America Breaks Out the Big Guns for 2011 Toronto Fall Expo Box Wars Prizes
We’ve been trying to gradually build anticipation for the 2011 Toronto Fall Expo for weeks now, slowly revealing one exciting aspect after another. First we leaked basic information before steadily ramping things up to include previews of the 1/1 autographs and the instant-win memorabilia cards slated to appear in our landmark wrapper-redemption packs.
But we’re not done yet. Not by a long shot.
After all, every show Panini America attends is not so much a show at all, but rather a golden opportunity to interact with and support those loyal collectors who support us year-round. So we can’t just stop at our buzz-generating wrapper-redemption program. We’re bringing Panini America Box Wars back to the Expo, too.
And the gallery that follows details just some of the 1/1 treasures that await the lucky winners of each Box War. Enjoy this sneak peek. Oh, and stay tuned. Like I said, we’re not done. Not by a long shot.