Panini America Preparing Major Inventory Update to the Panini Rewards Program
Panini America’s pioneering Panini Rewards program is on the verge of becoming a lot more rewarding. Over the course of the next several weeks, Panini America officials will be adding more than 25,000 individual cards to the Panini Rewards inventory, the first major update of a planned 250,000-card inventory addition that will take place gradually over the next several months.
The newly added inventory will feature cards from Panini America’s baseball, basketball, football, hockey and Americana products from 2007 to present and will include low-numbered insert and parallel cards, autographs and memorabilia cards.
“We’ve been pleased with the preliminary phases of the Panini Rewards platform and how consumers are utilizing the system,” said Jason Howarth, Panini America’s Vice President of Marketing. “One of the biggest benefits of the program from the very beginning is that it gives collectors unparalleled freedom to choose the cards they want with their available Panini Rewards Points. The more viable options we can add to inventory, the more beneficial this program becomes for everyone. This planned massive inventory update will be phased in over a period of months to the Panini Rewards platform and will greatly enhance the Panini Rewards experience.”
Be sure to check the Panini Rewards website often as new cards will be added on an almost-daily basis in the coming weeks.