Panini America Provides a Pre-Ink Peek at 2012 Prime Signatures Football RCs
So I’m back in the Autograph Acquisitions area of Panini America HQ earlier today and I can’t help but notice the flurry of activity surrounding a slew of white boxes stacked neatly across two eight-foot white tables. Clearly, the team back there was carefully, strategically preparing to send out a new program for on-card autographs.
Turns out it was the hot-off-the-presses Rookie Cards, Memorabilia Rookie Cards, parallels and Printing Plates that will drive 2012 Prime Signatures Football when it releases later this year. It was the first time I’d seen live cards from the redesigned Prime Signatures release. Even without the autographs, the cards blew me away.
So I grabbed my trusty iPhone camera and began snapping pics, intent on sharing them with you to see if you might be blown away, too. So take a look at the gallery below and let us know your thoughts. (By the way, the team was also prepping hard-auto shipments for 2012 Signature Series Baseball, too. We’ll have that gallery later this week).
The next time you see these beauties, they’ll be graced with indelible penmanship from the likes of Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III, Russell Wilson, Ryan Tannehill, Brandon Weeden and the rest of the 35 young NFL superstars who attended the 2012 NFLPA Rookie Premiere.