Panini America Releases Variation, SP Lists for the New 2013-14 Contenders Hockey

June 26, 2014

2013-14 Contenders Hockey Photo Variations
Judging by the Panini America Twitter feed and general email inbox, inquiring, hockey-collecting minds want to know: What short prints and variations exist within the vast array of autographs available in the new 2013-14 Contenders Hockey release. Well, stick around for a minute; we’re about to let you know.
Panini America Hockey Brand Manager Chris Barr turned the official lists over yesterday and we’ve provided them below. The first list below is more of a road map that details the photo variations that exist within the Rookie Ticket Autographs checklist. The second lists details the pertinent SP (cards with quantities between 200 and 400) and SSPs (cards with quantities of 200 or less).

Here’s the photo variation list: 2013-14 Contenders Hockey Rookie Ticket Variation Checklist
2013-14 Contenders Hockey Sepia Variation
Here’s the SP and SSP list: 2013-14 Contenders Rookie Ticket SP List