Panini America’s Revolutionary HRX Cards Get Star Treatment on FOX News Channel

August 10, 2011

While much of the sports collecting world descended upon Rosemont, Ill., last week for the 32nd Annual National Sports Collectors Convention, others around the country enjoyed a National experience from the comfort of their own living rooms compliments of FOX News Channel.

The news-gathering giant last weekend began rotating a lengthy segment on Panini America’s HRX Video Trading Cards, showcasing footage of the innovative cards themselves and an interview with Panini America Vice President of Marketing Jason Howarth.

A FOX News camera crew visited Panini America headquarters in mid-July to shoot much of the footage used in the segment (see the behind-the-scenes gallery below). The air date of the segment, it should be noted, was moved several times to accommodate breaking coverage of the infamous Casey Anthony trial and subsequent aftermath.

After watching the segment, we think you’ll agree that it was worth the wait.