Special Panini Unwrapped World Premiere: 2012 Prominence Football (& Checklist)

September 26, 2012

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk7_2S3vyl4&w=600&h=338]

Join Panini America’s Carlos Torrez and Tracy Hackler for a special four-box bust of the new 2012 Prominence Football, out in hobby shops across the country today. In this revealing break, Torrez sheds light on the product’s multicolor base-set chase and Hackler reveals the details of a special Robert Griffin III scavenger hunt of sorts.

You can also find the complete checklist for the product after the jump, as well as a chance to win the best hits pulled as well as a few boxes.

Here’s the checklist: 2012 Panini Prominence FB Checklist

To be eligible to win the some great Prominence goodies, simply follow these quick, painless steps:

1. Subscribe to The Knight’s Lance by clicking the “Sign me up!” in the upper-right corner of the page, follow the Panini America Twitter account and like Panini America on Facebook.

2. Tell us which of the five Rookie Card types incorporated into 2012 Prominence Football that you like the best ( Autographed Nameplate LettersAutographed NFL Team Field PlatesAutographed Team Logo PatchesAutographed NFL Team Helmets or Autographed Event-Worn Jersey Cards) and why.

We’ll give you a week or so to leave your responses and then pick winners next week.

Thanks for watching, good luck and enjoy.