The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2012-13 Prestige Basketball (64 Images)

September 06, 2012

It’s been way too long since hardcore hoops collectors have had the opportunity to collect a Prestige-branded basketball product. In fact, the last time one was released, John Wall and Jeremy Lin were rookies. Since then, Wall’s changed uniforms and Lin’s changed teams (twice).

But Prestige’s reputation as one of the most sought-after early season must-haves remains; and after a year away, the venerable product is poised for a bold, crisp, RC-riddled return for 2012-13.

Panini America NBA Brand Managers Keith Hower and Wesley Elliott spent a good chunk of yesterday at the company printing facility overseeing the QC check for 2012-13 Prestige Basketball, a something-for-every-collector kind of product that releases next week with a bevy of fresh designs, a massive and historic Double Rookie Class, and so much more.

Below is a revealing gallery filled with just some of the hits from that first QC case, including a nice selection of Prestigious Picks autographs, base cards, RCs, Bonus Shots parallels and tons of colorful, fancily foiled inserts. Also featured: The stunning Playmakers insert that is falling roughly one card per case.

Each hobby box of 2012-13 Prestige Basketball will deliver three autographs and one memorabilia card, but you’ll find out all about that next week. Until then, take some quality time this afternoon to enjoy this extended preview of what’s to come: