The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2012 Limited Football (74 Must-See Images)

January 10, 2013

Panini America 2012 Limited Football QC (1)

The unassuming, player-less packaging used to house 2012 Limited Football belies the brilliance of the contents inside. In fact, after spending much of today closely scrutinizing the results of the recently completed Quality Control process, I’d venture to say that this year’s edition is one of the nicest-looking Limited releases ever.

Seemingly everything about 2012 Limited Football — the designs, the photography selection, the insert themes, the parallels, the incorporation of game-worn helmets and oversized memorabilia pieces, the checklists, the reintroduction of the fabled Hogg Heaven insert — is at the top of its game.

There’s so much cool in this product — which releases Wednesday — that I can’t really even pinpoint right now what aspect I like the most about it. In my humble opinion, it’s that good. But that’s just me. Take a look for yourself at the 74 images that follow and let us know what you think.

And stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional updates on 2012 Limited Football in the coming days.