The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2020-21 Certified Basketball (50+ Images)

February 16, 2021

The scorching-hot 2020-21 NBA collecting season continues in earnest tomorrow when Panini America’s 2020-21 Certified Basketball arrives in hobby shops across North America intent on fanning the flames. The product packed out last week and the images below that we gathered from that process foretell of another Certified stunner.

On average, each hobby box of 2020-21 Certified Basketball (five cards per pack, 10 packs per box, 12 boxes per case) will deliver one Rookie Autograph, one additional autograph, 10 parallels and eight inserts or insert parallels. The highlights of the product are many and include . . .

  • The popular Freshman Fabric and Rookie Roll Call autograph Rookie Cards.
  • A great selection of autograph content featuring NBA rookies, stars and legends.
  • Collect your favorite players in the league across several insert sets, including Gold TeamGold Team Rookies and 2020.
  • Look for the return of The Mighty insert with parallels numbered to as low as one.

Enjoy the Quality Control Gallery that follows and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional coverage. 2020-21 Certified Basketball will be available at the official online store of Panini America beginning next Wednesday at 10 a.m. CST.