The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2020-21 Origins Basketball

April 13, 2021

Panini America’s vibrantly hued, aesthetically pleasing and art-inspired 2020-21 Origins Basketball arrives in hobby shops across North America tomorrow ready to deliver another trademark performance. As you’ll see in the Quality Control Gallery that follows, the product is dressed to impress with a stunning appearance and stacked rosters of autograph and memorabilia content.

On average, each hobby box of 2020-21 Origins Basketball (seven cards per box, 12 boxes per case) will deliver two autograph or memorabilia cards and two parallels. The highlights of the product are many and include . . .

  • Find two autograph or memorabilia cards per box, including one Rookie
  • Look for the popular Silver and Gold Ink Rookie Autograph cards, featuring signatures from the top rookies of the 2020 NBA Draft.
  • Origins Basketball presents several unique opportunities to pull Booklet content in Rookie Auto Booklet Patch and Six Star Signatures.
  • Find an incredible lineup of parallel content in the base set, including
    veterans and rookies from across the league. Look for RedBlueOrangePinkTurquoiseGoldGreen and Black 1/1 parallels.

2020-21 Origins Basketball will be available at the official online store of Panini America beginning Wednesday at 12 p.m. CST.

Enjoy the sneak peek that follows and stay tuned for additional coverage.