The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2020 Chronicles Racing

August 05, 2020

We’ve said the same thing just about every time we’ve previewed a new sport’s version of the multifaceted Chronicles brand. We’re going to say it again now because it’s just so apropos: There’s a little bit of everything in Panini America’s new 2020 Chronicles Racing. The company’s compelling catchall concoction brings together seemingly every brand in the arsenal under one Chronicles umbrella.

So in addition to a Chronicles base set with autographs and memorabilia, the product represents a brand family reunion of sorts that also includes cards from the likes of Spectra, Phoenix, Status, Cornerstones, Illusions, Select, Victory Lane and so many more. The following Quality Control Gallery delivers a revealing peek at the product’s unmatched breadth and depth.

On average, each hobby box of 2020 Chronicles Racing (eight cards per pack, six packs per box, 16 boxes per case) will deliver three autographs, one memorabilia card, 12 Optichrome cards, 12 Holographic cards and two Spectra cards.

Enjoy the preview and stay tuned for additional coverage.

2020 Chronicles Racing will be available at the official online store of Panini America beginning Friday at 12 p.m. CST.