The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2020 Elite Football (80+ Must-See Images)

July 27, 2020

Panini America’s venerable Elite Football franchise has spent more than 20 years in the trading card industry achieving landmark status. It’s an early-season football staple every season, boasting some of the most tried-and-true parallels and inserts in industry history. It’s solid . . . it’s consistent . . . and it’s about ready to reveal its highly anticipated 2020 edition.

Indeed, 2020 Elite Football releases in hobby shops across North America on Wednesday, equipped to deliver another robust recipe of desirable collecting components. On average, each hobby box (five cards per pack, 20 packs per box, 12 boxes per case) will deliver two autographs (including one Pen Pals), one memorabilia card, three Rookie Cards, six parallels and eight inserts.

We offer a revealing deep dive into 2020 Elite Football with the Quality Control Gallery that follows. Enjoy the early look and stay tuned for additional coverage.

2020 Elite Football will be available at the official online store of Panini America beginning Wednesday at 10 a.m. CST.