The Panini Digital Weekly Update: Select Football FOTL Drops in NFL Blitz, Court Kings Basketball FOTL Drops in NBA Dunk

June 18, 2021

If you want to get your hands on 2020 Select Football FOTL digital packs in the NFL Blitz Digital Trading Card App, you might want to jump in right now because they just dropped this morning and they’re going fast.

Each Select Football FOTL digital pack includes a 1st Off The Line-exclusive Tie-Dye Variation limited to five or a Snake Skin Base Variation limited to three or a Black Variation limited to only one.

2020 Select Football includes 99 Concourse Level base cards along with 99 Premier Level, 99 Club Level and 99 Field Level short-printed base cards. You can also find more than 20 different insert, signature and memorabilia sets. The base Select Football release will follow the FOTL release in a few days.

2020-21 Court Kings Basketball FOTL Drops into Dunk
If you want to get your hands on 2020-21 Court Kings Basketball FOTL, you might want to jump into the NBA Dunk Digital Trading Card App right now because the packs are moving fast. Each 1st Off The Line Court Kings pack includes an FOTL Green Variation limited to just five copies each. You can find the Green Variations only in FOTL packs.

Collectors can look for a wide variety of rookies, inserts, signatures and memorabilia cards in Court Kings. The set includes 67 veterans and four tiers of Rookie Cards. You can also find more than 20 different insert, signature and memorabilia sets.

Win a Physical Box of 2020-21 Court Kings Basketball, Get Tiger Stripes Just for Entering Contests
As the NBA Playoffs heat up, so do the prizes in Dunk. This week, finish in the No. 1 slot of our HoF contest and bring home a physical box of 2020-21 Court Kings Basketball. Tons of great digital prizes are also up for grabs, so jump in and set your lineups now.

Set up your teams in the Dunk contests and unlock cards from the contest-exclusive, 300-card Prizm Tiger Stripe set. You will be awarded a pack for each of your teams as per the contest category and there are no limitations on Coin and Premium Contest entries. More lineups means more cards.

There are three ways to earn Tiger Stripe Prizm exclusives:

  • FREE Weekly Contest: Join a Free Weekly Contest, get 1 guaranteed Prizm Tiger Stripe Insert – Limit 1 per user
  • COIN ENTRY: Join a Coin Entry contest and get 2 guaranteed Prizm Tiger Stripe Inserts per pack for each entry
  • PREMIUM ENTRY: Join a Premium Pay contest, get 5 guaranteed Prizm Tiger Stripe Inserts per pack for each entry