‘Whose Autograph Is This?’ January’s Great Guessing Contest from Panini America

January 08, 2011

In the almost three months since we launched The Knight’s Lance, we’ve produced several posts that have been popular with the blog’s loyal readers. From behind-the-scenes looks at the trading card process that you just won’t get anywhere else to the first video breaks of Panini America‘s best products, we seem to have struck a chord with today’s collectors.

But the most popular post of all so far has been the orignal ‘Whose Autograph Arrived Today?’ contest that challenged readers to accurately guess the identities of a handful of Panini America’s recent autograph arrivals in the name of winning prizes.

In fact, it was so popular that we decided to make the contest a regular part of the blog by conducting at least one a month for the forseeable future. For the record, you can check out last month’s contest here.

So here we go again with our third installment . . .

Below are 14 mostly unidentified autographs that have arrived at Panini America in recent months. Most of them are slated for inclusion in future Panini America products; some of them have already been used. Either way, your job is to identify is to identify them.

Simply provide your answers as a comment to this post. We’ll give you a week to respond and the person who identifies the most autographs correctly will win a Panini prize package that includes three certified autograph trading cards (one each from the NFL, NBA and NHL) and a box of 2010 Panini America trading cards.

(In the event of a tie, one winner will be drawn at random from all correct entrants. We’ll wait until the contest ends to approve all of the entries and select the winner; no need to let everyone see everyone else’s answers.)

Now as always, good luck and thanks for participating.