Panini America Unveils the Remaining 2011 Playoff Contenders Football RC Variations

February 28, 2012

By now, you’ve likely heard about the collectible commotion we created yesterday with the revelation that photo variations exist for each of the 36 RPS Rookie Tickets subjects dotting the 2011 Playoff Contenders Football checklist.

In addition to spicing up a slow-moving Monday afternoon, our post brought collectors who hadn’t yet picked up on the discrepancies up to speed on the slight differences that exist on 11 of the 36 cards. Today, we pull the curtain back on the remaining 25.

To more easily identify the differences, we’ve zoomed in on the images on the cards in the following gallery.

Now that some of the mystery within 2011 Playoff Contenders Football has been removed, we’ll focus our attention in the coming days on revealing the other autographed SPs within the Rookie Tickets subset. So stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance tomorrow for more information.