Panini America Unwraps 2012-13 Prestige Basketball (& Reveals the Checklist, Too)
For most hoops hobbyists, today’s release of 2012-13 Prestige Basketball absolutely qualifies as a special occasion. As such, Panini America’s Tracy Hackler and Keith Hower scouted out a special location for this edition of Panini Unwrapped.
From the cozy confines of the Panini America HQ lobby, the dynamic duo rips through one prestigious 24-pack box. In addition, Hower brought a few extra visuals to show off. Enjoy the video above and the checklist below. After you’ve perused them both, we’re going to give you a chance to win some of the hits and a few boxes of the product. How? Glad you asked.
We want you to give us your candid feedback on two topics:
1. What are your thoughts on Panini America’s Double Rookie Class spanning all 2012-13 NBA products?
2. Which of the 100 rookies will you be collecting the most of this season?
Answer those questions in the comments section below. This time next week, we’ll pick a handful of winners to reward these sweet cards to. Thanks, as always, for your participation.